The way the business community talks about diversity, equity, and inclusion is about to change. Are you ready?

This January, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14091 (Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government). The order is focused on "extending and strengthening equity-advancing requirements" for federal agencies by:

  • establishing equity-focused leadership
  • partnering with underserved communities to deliver equitable outcomes through policies, programs, and activities
  • creating economic opportunity in rural areas and advancing equitable urban development

This order is just the latest evidence of the evolving language around equity. Thought leaders in philanthropy and social justice movements have long emphasized not just equity, but its importance in the implementation of policies, programs, and processes. Their learnings have carried over into the business sector.

You want your company to invest in equity and inclusion infrastructure. But do your communications reflect this commitment? Do the stories you're telling your employees, clients and future hires reflect the latest thought and language about this important work? Do your marketing assets reflect a truly inclusive culture, or do they inadvertently perpetuate inequitable power dynamics?

If you're not sure, we're ready to help.

Our experienced team will analyze your digital communications—including email, social, website, and digital collateral—and provide a report with tactical recommendations to help you advance your position as an industry leader. Let's get started!

Recent Projects

Am Law Top 100 Firm

  • Drafted editorial models for internal and external DEI comms
  • Designed and wrote inclusion-centered recruitment ad campaign

Top 3 Private Research University

  • Conducted qualitative assessment of digital marketing materials (email, social, website, and collateral)
  • Created guidelines and checklists to operationalize and reinforce recommendations

Global Manufacturing Company

  • Wrote and designed client's first-ever Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance report based on a new strategy developed by Boston Consulting Group
  • Produced micro-site targeted at investors, media, customers, consumers, and the general public

Three Furies is a business, brand, and content strategy agency with deep experience in the legal marketing sector, including digital marketing analysis, brand and digital design, communications strategy, and advertising campaigns. We also produce bespoke wine tasting experiences for client development and employee resource groups through our sister company, Tipsy.